SIL Determination Workshop
This 2 day workshop is intended to take participants through the fundamental principles of process hazard identification (HAZID, HAZAN and HAZOP) and SIL determination risk assessment using such methods as Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA), Risk Graphs and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) in line with the international IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 standards.
Who should attend?
Process engineers, safety engineers and instrument engineers involved with maintaining the process safety, asset or environmental integrity of process plant, or with the development of safety instrumented systems for process plant protection.
The workshop will use numerous practical examples and team exercises drawn from real life experience to stimulate a realistic hazard and risk assessment experience. The LOPA methodology will be based on ‘Layer of Protection Analysis Simplified Risk Analysis; American Institution of Chemical Engineering ISBN 0-8169-0811-7.
Please click here for the full course brochure.